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Journal of Plastic Surgery & Cosmetology
International communication
"Эстетическая медицина", v.V, N4, 2006
Anatomic and functional factors predicting efficacy of contour injection pre-oral plasty

S. Ananyan et al.

The article gives a detailed description of pre-oral anatomy with the assessment of its role in preventing technical faults during contour injection plasty, understanding of the rules of graft dislocation and the development of rationale correction methods in case of undesirable adverse events and complications. Authors analyze the anatomic and functional factors contributing to the development of complications in the nasolabial zone.

Potential of contour labioplasty

Ye. Gubanova et al.

The article introduces an original classification of lip shapes and outlines major aspects of contour correction and volume expansion. According to their experience with hyaluronic acid («Restylane», «Matridure», etc.) authors suggest optimal injection methods. The efficacy, safety, longevity and compatibility of various fillers are discussed.

Chemical peeling methods: modern concepts

O. Zabnenkova

Chemical peeling is a method of cosmetological correction to treat skin involution, hyperpigmentation, scars and stria. Recently developed methods of chemical peeling utilizing alpha-hydroxy acids, retinoic acid, modified trichloroacetic acid, adequate program of pre-peeling and post-peeling management allow for substantial decrease of the risk of complications, such as postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, persisting erythema, cicatrical deformity, etc. The article also describes modern methods to treat and correct complications after chemical peeling.

Phosphatidylcholine in esthetic medicine

Ye. Sazhina

The article outlines the varied properties of phosphatidylcholine and its medical applications, giving a description of phosphatidylcholine-based preparations available on the Russian market with the examples of their use in cellulitis mesotherapy.

Laser destruction for disseminated seborrheic keratosis

G. Sokolov et al.

The long-term use of semi-conducting laser devices for removal of benign skin lesion in dermatological and cosmetological practice suggests, that the laser destruction effectively removes seborrheic keratosis, providing excellent esthetic results, which is sometimes inaccessible for other methods.

Magnetic fields and infrared irradiation to treat acne

Ye. Vasilyeva

The article evaluates the acute impact of magnetic field (continuous or alternating) and infrared irradiation on the clinical manifestation of inflammatory acne in 94 patients. In addition, their therapeutic efficacy is determined. The author emphasizes more than a 2-fold increase of the treatment efficacy in acne patients persisting for a longer time due to the inclusion of magnetic therapy into the combination treatment course.

Optimization of salt consumption

O. Gromova et al.

The article contains an analysis of the latest food salts and their composition. Variants of iodinated salt are discussed. Authors bring up the question of classification of food salts as regards to their therapeutic and prophylactic action. Recommendations concerning the choice of salt for patients with various conditions (hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, iodine deficit), to prevent a number of conditions associated with mineral metabolism disorders. The article describes modern standards of salt consumption for healthy people depending on the age, as well as for patients with cerebrovascular disorders, salt-dependent form of hypertension and metabolic disorders.

Lawyer’s recommendations on pleading medical cases brought by civil suits of low-quality medical care (services)

N. Grigoriev

Introduction of the new Russian Federation Criminal Code in 2006 has lead to a paradoxic situation when criminal standards are used instead of civil standards in controversies with patients. Criminal liability has become the new methods of pressure on healthcare institutions. To clarify the situation, the author presents a review of Criminal Code assets regulating professional liability of healthcare workers.

Rejuvenation of middle facial area using combined mobilization of arcus marginalis, lifting of the preseptal orbicular muscle and plication of SOOF

B. Atiyeh and S. Hayek

Authors describe an original method of lower eyelid and middle facial area rejuvenation, implying modification of several well-known maneuvers, such as plication of fatty tissue located beneath the SMAS, lifting of the middle facial area. The method is simple, safe and provides natural rejuvenation.

Comments on the article: S. Shvyrev; I. Khrustaleva

Anterior neck lifting

P. Lafaurie

Authors introduce a novel technique of rejuvenation of cervicomental angle and the middle portion of neck, named the anterior neck lifting. The article briefly describes stages of the procedure (marking, anesthesia, neck liposuction, Z-shaped repair of the anterior platysma edges. Postoperative care recommendations are given. Documentary photographs are provided for some clinical cases.


Comprehensive evaluation of face while planning rhinoplasty

V. Golovach

The article introduces an original interpretation of the term «comprehensive evaluation of face» as regards to rhinoplasty and offers a comprehensive approach to the good outcome of surgery. Standards of beauty and the «golden proportions» are considered in a tight association with the harmony of appearance and the state of mind. The author analyses psychological and moral aspects of the relationships between the surgeon and the patient, outlines the algorithm of conversation with patients during primary assessment.

Comment on the article: K. Pshenisnov

Good-looking nose and the principles of functional rhinoplasty

A. Belousov

What a patient expects before undergoing rhinoplasty is a good-looking nose, while the surgeons concern is the patient’s content. However, simple implementation of a patient’s requests commonly affects the main nose function - breathing. What do we need to satisfy the esthetic concerns of a patient without worsening the breathing function? These questions are described in the article.

Comment on the article: K. Pshenisnov

Rhinoplasty for an «armenian» nose

L. Pavlyuchenko and K. Shcherbakov

Armenian people are not among the most numerous populations, but comprise substantial proportion of patients addressing plastic surgeons. «Armenian» nose is commonly a difficult objective as regards to satisfactory esthetic and functional outcome. Detailed analysis of its core features together with the algorithm of surgery and perioperative management allow for sustained satisfactory outcome in these population of patients.

Comment on the article: K. Pshenisnov

Bulletin of SAMS

Notes for contributors


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